Perry and Blue say, "happy new year!"
As we bid farewell to 2008 and welcome 2009, I am in the kitchen baking a marzipan cake for the new year (a family tradition).
In my two blogs I've focused on skating and hip issues, with the occasional toilet discussion thrown in for good measure. I haven't talked in detail about my family, politics, the economy, or a number of other important issues. It's not that I don't care about those things, it's just that the purpose of these blogs is fairly narrow. But on new year's eve I feel justified in branching out a bit.
Family: Our parents are in good health and we see them often. My sister and brother-in-law live close by. Perry's boys, my stepsons, are doing well. Aaron is a senior in high school and busily applying to college. Isaac is a freshman in high school and busy with many activities. My stepdaughters are also doing well; Melanie is married and living on the east coast while Ashley is in Ft. Collins in the pre-veterinary program at CSU. I'm proud of all the kids and I know they will all be successful in their many endeavors.
Perry has been supportive of my skating, hip issues, and life in general. As he will readily admit, I can be "high maintenance," but he puts up with my shit and I try hard not to give him too much of it. We still enjoy each other's company after 5 years, and I couldn't ask for a better husband.
Friends: I am grateful for having so many of you in my life. Those of you I count on the most -- Kianoosh, Larry, Linda M, Mary, Marilu and Tim --- I couldn't ask for better friends. Through Facebook I've reconnected with people from high school and beyond which has been fun and enlightening. I'm not generally good at "keeping in touch" so I really am thankful for Facebook, even though it can be a time waster.
Home: We've put our renovation on hold for now. Until I know the status of the insurance payments for my upcoming surgeries, I really can't justify spending money on a new kitchen and guest bath. It's frustrating, since we really wanted to get this house done this year. The kitchen and bathroom are functional but ugly, so there are worse fates, but I can say that if the insurance comes through, we'll be renovating next year, to be followed by a big party. If the insurance doesn't come through I think we will still have the party anyway.
Pets: 2008 brought our family sorrow and happiness. We lost our faithful and beloved 18-year-old feline companion, Toulouse, exactly one year ago today. Miss Blue, an abandoned cat who we noticed hanging around our yard, moved in to the house on thanksgiving and has quickly become a member of the family.
Blogs: Thank you all for reading, and for commenting. Blog readers include friends, family, fellow ice dancers and fellow hip chicks. In 2009 I'll continue to report on the good, the bad, and the ugly as I see it. I hope readers continue to find this blog informative and entertaining.
Be safe, be healthy, be happy ... hug your loved ones ...and don't drink and drive!
Happy New Year, your blog touched me, I look forward to seeing you in 2009!!!
Terri - hope your New Year's celebrations, whatever they were, brought you some well-deserved joy and happiness.
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