Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Almost Hippiversary

Hello Hip Readers!

As my 4th hippiversary approaches, I am happy to report that I am doing extremely well.  My right PAO will be 4 years old soon, and my left is just 4 months behind that.  Most days I don't even notice my hips.  I've been skating at the International level again and while I sometimes get sore the next day, I'm pretty amazed at what I still can do, even with a fruit basket on my head.

Holiday Ice Show, 2012
I've moved from Portland to San Diego.  Long walks on the beach have helped build my walking ability although I'm still not going to be running any marathons.  Flexibility is still an issue, but that's old news.  I'm loving my new location and job hunting.  Ho hum.  Not much to report after 4 years, hippies - that's the way we want it!  Just for some excitement, here's a pic of my recent farmer's market haul.  Those of you in Portland will be jealous.

And now, back to my regularly-scheduled life.  
