Friday, October 31, 2008

PAO - my insurance company's view

"Management of individuals blah blah blah with this malady blah blah blah includes: modification of activities to reduce excessive motion and burden on the hip, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and discontinuation of activities associated with the painful hip movement."

Their answer = stop skating and that will solve the problem. Therefore such surgery is "not necessary."

Of course, if I stop exercising I will gain 50 pounds (I like to eat) which will open the way to heart disease, high blood pressure, knee pain, and diabetes, and then the fuckers will get to pay for my treatment for those things.

The surgeon's PA is trying to negotiate with the insurance company through their contract agreement and should have an answer by June of 2009, which is why my surgery is penciled in for July of 2009. They asked me not to interfere unless that does not work and I will honor that. After that, I will be getting my attorney involved. Good thing I have one in the family.


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