Sunday, February 28, 2010

FirstSk8 ...

Addendum: Forgot to take the camera to the rink, so this photo of spring in Portland will have to do ...

After skating, a two-hour nap ...

I feel like today was my first real skate since my first surgery in July. Although I did skate several times between the two PAOs, I never really pushed myself because I knew it was only a matter of time before I would be having the second PAO, so why bother?

I waited 3.5 months this time (vs. 3 months, not to mention my ill-advised foray at 8 weeks) to be sure things were healed and so I wouldn't have to worry about falling. It was very different from that 8-week attempt back in September -- I could actually take a proper push, glide on one foot without falling over, and skate without being propped up.

I was able to solo all of the forward dances (Dutch, Canasta, Rhythm Blues, Cha Cha; also the forward parts of the Fiesta and Swing Dance). I could do them at about 2/3 speed and pattern size (note that patterns are already small since we skate in a small rink, so it was perfect for me) and was able to get through an entire 2 minute social dance tune for each. Edges were shallow, extension was non-existent and I felt really slow and somewhat off balance.

Skating backwards is challenging because I don't have the muscle control to point my free toe down consistently, so catching my heel is a likely possibility. Doing so would pitch me right onto one of my hips, so I am a little bit freaked out by it. However, I did do some three turns (first on two feet, then on one, slowly) and some backward Russian stroking (slow!). Mohawks are still seemingly impossible because of the turnout required. I did one very slow kilian choctaw and a very slow blues choctaw. My hips hurt during and after but I was able to do them. I was able to do some darn good forward outside loops, but not forward inside.

I skated the full hour (with liberal breaks to socialize and rest) and feel like I got something of a workout. I am surprised by my stamina - much better than I expected, although nowhere near what it used to be. I was able to get through several patterns of the dances I attempted. Pain didn't start until halfway through the session, and it was tolerable. My hip flexors now hurt - both of them - the right more than the left actually even though it is more healed. That may be because I use my right leg more - I am pretty sure I am favoring my left leg.

For a first attempt it was surprisingly good. The hard part was not doing the Westminster Waltz and Paso Doble and Quickstep when they were played -- dances I love to do - but they are way above my current skill level and will be for some time. I had to stand at the wall during my favorite dances and it killed me. That's one good reason to skip the dance sessions for a while and just work on basic skills at public sessions. I have a couple of months until school is out, so the daytime public sessions will be empty. By the time school is out I may be able to attempt some mid-level dances.

Patience is a virtue. Repeat. Patience is a virtue. Repeat.

P.S. - Doug and Patti - I really missed you today! Healing thoughts...


ojulius said...

Great news! Where are the photos!?! :)

HipSk8 said...

Arghh, I almost took the camera with me but at the last minute I left it at home. I wore my big snowboarding butt pads!

I'll get some photos next time ...

ojulius said...

That's what I was looking forward to seeing...big butt pads. :)