Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Four Month Update

In Las Vegas with Perry for Halloween

The four month mark is still a few days away, but I don't think much will change between now and then. This is also the "seventeen-week update," but that doesn't have the same cachet.

I just spent 4 days in sunny Las Vegas for a friend's 50th birthday party. Perry and I walked at least two miles every day. The first day we walked three miles. We did not walk particularly fast since we were on the strip and it was halloween, thus crowded, but I certainly felt like I was working my hips.

So at 4 months I am feeling pretty normal in many ways, even though I still have a long way to go. I almost never have what I would call pain, although the muscles still get stiff on exertion. My hip never swelled a huge amount, but it is still swollen - noticeably larger than my other hip. Dr. Mayo did not seem concerned. I guess in two weeks when I do the other hip they will match, but I would like them both to go back to normal size at some point.

Vegas was a good test of normal everyday hip function. I did a lot of walking, standing and sitting. Most people couldn't tell I was limping. I still am nervous in crowds.

I still haven't done any heavy-duty strength training (waiting until after PAO#2). I feel flabby all over my body. Strength and stamina are way below normal. Flexibility is way, way below normal. But on a typical day doing typical non-athletic things, I am fine and dandy and rarely think about my hip.

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